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Dealing with Error-messages

Access Denied

Depending upon the circumstances, the inability to gain access to a database may be reported as DOS Error 5 or Runtime Error 105. The usual reason is that the database has been copied from a CD-ROM, perhaps to recover a back-up copy. You can use Windows Explorer or MS-DOS commands to correct this.

Remove the Read-only Attribute with Windows Explorer

  1. Navigate into the relevant database folder on your hard disk.
  2. Select all the files, by pressing keys Ctrl+A or otherwise.
  3. Right-click on the selected files and choose Properties.
  4. Clear the read-only box, by clicking on it.
  5. Click on OK.

Remove the Read-only Attribute with DOS Commands

  1. Get an MS-DOS prompt
  2. Make the database folder current, e.g. by typing the command
    cd \pedgree\elton.ped

    and pressing Enter.

(Use the appropriate database name in your command.)

  1. Type the command
    attrib -r *.*

    and press Enter

  2. Type the command

    and press Enter to close the prompt window.

Another reason for this message is that you have tried to open the database with both Pedigree for DOS and PediTree (or two instances of one of these programs). You cannot do this.

DB32 Fatal Error

When running PediTree, you may encounter the following example message (or something similar)

The appearance of a message-box like the above with the same heading is often due either to a missing file or to a fault in your database. From PediTree version 3.330 (February 2010), missing or inaccessible files should be detected before DB32 is involved, so these messages are probably due to a database fault (the example above is one such). However, if you try to use PediTree to open a database that is already opened in Pedigree for DOS, you will receive an Access denied error in this form. This is easily corrected: close Pedigree for DOS and try again.

The quick fix for other causes is to restore your database from a recent back-up copy. Alternatively, you may prefer to repair the database, if possible. Instructions for this are available here.

faq/errors.txt · Last modified: 2018/08/30 00:19 by

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