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Pedigree Users Group

For Pedigree and PediTree Users

An associate member of the Federation of Family History Societies

This web site is primarily aimed at existing members of PUG, the Pedigree Users Group.

→ → → → → The main content is on the PUGwiki page

If you are already a Pedigree or PediTree user then please consider joining the Pedigree Users Group. For just £5 per annum you get a regular newsletter and access to the members' email list.

Follow this link to get an application/renewal form.

For further details please contact the Membership Secretary, Carys Faichney:

Post:  19 Lombardy Close, Leverstock Green, Hemel Hempstead, Herts, HP2 4NG
Email: membership'at' (replace 'at' by @)

If you are wondering what Pedigree (or PediTree) is all about, please follow this link to the Pedigree-Software web site. If you buy Pedigree (or PediTree) you will also be given information about how to join the Pedigree Users Group.

The next Annual General Meeting of the Pedigee Users Group will be held using Zoom on Sat 12 October 2024. Watch this space, as they say, for further details. While this meeting is primarily for existing PUG members, the gathering may be of interest to anyone who has bought, or is thinking of buying, Pedigree or PediTree.

For further details of the Annual Meeting please see the AGM page or contact the Secretary, Clare Pilkington:

Post:  7 Ladysteps, Scotby, Carlisle, Cumbria, CA4 8DD 
Email: secretary'at' (replace 'at' by @)

Constitution: constitution2003.pdf

GDPR: Privacy Policy

start.txt · Last modified: 2024/07/19 20:28 by PUGwiki Admin

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