This is the Dick (Richard) Walker page. If we seem to have common interests contact me on
My main interests are :-
Phillips ( Herts, Lincs & Essex) 19th C
Walker (London) 18 & 19th C
Wood(s) (Cambs & Herts) 18 & 19th C
Other inerests include :- `
Adcock (Cambs) 19th C
Barnett (Bucks) 19th C
Birdsey (Surrey) 19th C
Carter (Kent) 20th
Collyer (London) 18th C
Cowley (London) 18th C
Curtis (Herts) 18 & 19th C
Grant (Herts) 19 & 20th C
Humberstone (Baldock Herts) 17 & 18th C
Overton (Essex & London) 19th C
Palmer (Herts?) 20th C
Parsons (Dorset & Hants) 19 & 20th C
Searle (Surrey) 18 & 19th C
Smith (Baldock Herts) 18 & 19th C
Twine (Herts & Surrey) 18 & 19th C
Vickers (Surrey) 18 & 19th C
Webb (Herts) 18 & 19th C
Wing (Herts & Cambs) 18 &19th C